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Butters and Spreads
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Maitre d’Hotel Butter
Put one and a half ounces of butter on a plate, add to it one large tablespoon of very finely chopped parsley, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a good dust of salt and pepper or cayenne. Work together until well mixed. Smooth into a neat little pat. Leave in cool place until wanted. Use a round cutter to stamp out rounds and place on top of broiled chops or steaks.
Musk Melon Butter
Musk melon
Select ripe melons. Cut in halves, remove rinds, seeds and soft parts. Place melons in a preserving kettle with as little water as possible and boil until tender. Press through colander and measure the pulp. To each quart of pulp add 1/2 cup sugar, juice of 1/2 lemon and a little cinnamon. Continue boiling until mixture is thick enough to spread. Stir constantly to prevent burning. Pack and seal into clean hot jars.
Carrot, Squash or Pumpkin Butter
Peel 6 lbs of carrots, squash or pumpkin and either grind or chop very fine. Add 5 lbs light brown sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls ginger, 2 tablespoonfuls cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful allspice and 5 lemons ground (rind and all except seeds). Collect juice as lemons are ground or extract juice before grinding. Let stand overnight. In morning, add 1 pint water. Boil gently until clear and thick. Pour into jars and seal.